Shilajit Resin FAQ’S

What is Shilajit Resin?

Shilajit Resin is a mineral deposit that is exuded from layers of rock in the Himalayan Mountains. It is the result of ancient decomposed plants and organic material, and is reich in minerals, vitamins, and most importantly fulvic and humic acid – substances that work wonders in the body. These minerals remove heavy metals, rejuvenate cells, and aid in many fundamental physiological processes.

Main properties of Shilajit Resin?

Shilajit is hailed as the “conqueror of mountains” and the “destroyer of weakness” in ayurvedic medicine. Providing the body with a plethora of vital nutrients and trace minerals, it has been known to help with a wide range of ailments, and in a relatively rapid manner. Many who first start taking Shilajit notice results within the first few days. Often people notice their nails and hair growing faster, more sustained energy throughout the day, better sleep at night. It also gives an overall sense of well being and vitality. In ayurvedic medicine it is used to both prevent disease and hasten recovery. Because the fulvic and humic acid components provide such fundamental minerals and nutrients to the body that are often lacking in our diets, it affects different people in different, but noticeable ways.

How does Shilajit work?

Although used for milenia in Ayurvedic medicine, the science explaining the effectiveness shilajit has only recently been catching up with the already known benefits. Though there will still be many studies to come, you can see many of the studies showing the science behind Shilajit on our Science Page.

What is the recommended dose?

A very small amount of Shilajit taken daily goes a very long ways! As the recommended doses are in mg (usually between 100-500 mg depending on your body weight, and its need- if you are depleted in minerals, and trying to prevent or fight off a disease) and most people don’t have an accurate enough scale, or want to take the time to measure something that small, we generally recommend dissolving a serving about half the size of a pea in non-chlorinated water, tea or milk, 1-3 times per day.

As with all supplements we recommend doing some personal experimentation and figuring out what works best for you. Start by taking the suggested amount and then slowly add more over time.

What’s in Shilajit Resin? 

The primary active ingredients in Shilajit are fulvic acid & humic acid, trace minerals, dibenzo alpha pyrones, humins, humic acid, trace minerals, vitamins A, B, C and P (citrines), phospholipids and polyphenol complexes, and terpenoids. There are also many microelements present such as cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, manganese, chrome, iron, magnesium and more.

Can I take Shilajit if I am on other medications?

As with any other dietary supplement, we recommend that you consult your doctor before use if you are on any serious medications. However, Shilajit is known for its health benefits and is not associated with any adverse side effects or reactions to medication. If taking serious medication, it is recommended that you Take Shilajit 2 hours before or after taking your medication, as the Shilajit could effect the absorption of the medication if taken together.







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