Study Proves Shilajit Dramatically Improves Arthritis Symptoms In Dogs

Published by HimalayanShilajit on

Good News!

You may have heard that Himalayan Shilajit is extremely effective at reversing arthritis symptoms in humans, but have you heard that its even more effective in dogs? Dogs are able to metabolize Shilajit even more efficiently than humans. This means the benefits we see when taking Himalayan Shilajit for ourselves is only a fraction of the benefits our furry friends can enjoy.

The Research

In a 2013 study, published in the “Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry” research journal, researchers found that all of the dogs tested displayed significant improvements when given 500mg of Shilajit daily.

“Shilajit is an all-natural supplement which offers significant anti-arthritic properties including reduction of pain and inflammation. All dogs responded well to Shilajit administration without exhibiting any untoward effects, thereby giving this supplement an edge over many other nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals “

Lawley S, Gupta RC, Goad JT, Canerdy TD, Kalidindi SR(2013) Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Arthritic Efficacy and Safety of Purified Shilajit in Moderately Arthritic Dogs. J Vet Sci Anim Husb 1(3): 302. doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.302

Here is the study’s Abstract, to view all the results of the study click here.

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of purified Shilajit in moderately arthritic dogs. Ten client-owned dogs in a randomized double-blinded study received either a placebo or Shilajit (500 mg) twice daily for a period of five months. Dogs were evaluated each month for physical condition (body weight, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate) and pain associated with arthritis (overall pain, pain from limb manipulation, and pain after physical exertion). Serum samples collected from these dogs were examined each month for biomarkers of liver (bilirubin, ALT, and AST), kidney (BUN and creatinine) heart and mus-cle (creatine kinase) functions. The findings of this study revealed that dogs receiving Shilajit (Group-II) showed a significant (P<0.05) reduction in pain from limb manipulation by day 60, and overall pain and pain after physical exertion by day 120. Maximum pain reduction, using all three criteria, was observed on day 150. Pain level remained significantly unchanged in dogs receiving the placebo. Dogs in either group showed no significant change (P>0.05) in physical parameters or serum markers, suggesting that Shilajit was well tolerated by moderately arthritic dogs. It was concluded that Shilajit significantly (P<0.05) reduced pain in osteoarthritic dogs and markedly improved their daily life without any side effects.



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